Benefits Of Training With A Shock Collar
It can be tricky training a dog. There are two sides to the coin, as you have the benefit of an obedient and well-behaved dog if all goes well, but on the other hand, to get to that point, you have to deal with the challenges of mastering your pup's personality and character traits. Many dog owners never experience the difficulties of a stubborn dog, but others have to try every technique on the market. Many trainers try positive reinforcement and others use repetition training with little success. At a certain point, a shock collar (or "E-collar") can make all of the difference for a difficult doggie.
While commonly used to train hunting dogs to retrieve game in the wild, track prey and keep quiet while on the hunt, shock collars can also be used with common house dogs or family pets to help them perfect his or her behavior both in and outside the home.
Although the name itself carries a negative connotation and sounds downright dangerous, shock collars have held a strong part of traditional dog training and serve a positive purpose for both the dog and the owner. While the collars do produce an electric stimulation into the neck (or other parts of the dog's body), it doesn't mean the dog is being electrocuted. In fact, most collars have a wide range of frequencies at which they can be set to ensure that the minor shock does not actually harm the dog and serves only as a warning of misbehavior. For many training scenarios, the lower frequencies actually are ideal.
Useful Situations For Shock Collars

Curbing Canine Aggression
Many dogs, especially rescues, can come with a handful of personality issues that need to be addressed. In many cases, not much is known about a dog's previous living conditions or owner. Some come from abusive homes and many end up as strays, fighting for their lives on the streets, which can create a problem with aggression towards other dogs.
With a shock collar, you can train your dog to not bark at other dogs he or she comes into contact with while out on a walk or in a social situation. By letting your dog know that it is not appropriate to be barking at other dogs with a small shock, it can prevent escalation and the possibility of a dogfight that could endanger your dog, and even you.
Leash Pulling
If you've ever walked a dog, odds are you've found yourself being tugged around by an excited, curious pooch. However, this isn't the way dog walks are supposed to go. By using a shock collar at a low frequency, you can let your dog know that as the leash goes taught, this is unacceptable behavior. Help your dog realize that you're walking the dog and not the other way around with a shock collar.
Types of Shock Collars
Fortunately, there are a wide variety of shock collars to help train your pooch. Check out a few of our favorites below:
PetSafe Deluxe Little Dog Trainer: This collar is perfect for dogs weighing less than 40 pounds. The collar features 10 different levels of stimulation (400 volts-6,000 volts), a range of 100 yards, a remote control transmitter and 14 batteries.
- Dogtra Edge: The Dogtra edge allows your pup the freedom to run and play, while you watch and correct form up to one mile away. In addition, this collar features eight levels of stimulation, an LED location light, 2-hour rapid charge batteries and a radio transmitter.
Misbehavior from all dogs can be frustrating and training is a must. Luckily, when traditional training methods aren't effective, there are shock collars to help urge our dogs to curb their poor behavior. Shock collars are one of the best options for quicker training results and aren't intended to hurt dogs, but to help them.
If you're still unsure about which Shock Collar is right for your dog, be sure to ask the pet experts at The animal lovers are more than happy to answer any questions about any of the pet products that we carry in our catalogue.
By Sean Bowes