Managing Your Dogs Hip Dysplasia

If you have a dog that is slow to walk up stairs, can't jump up in a sofa or bed and that becomes easily winded after a long walk, there is the chance that your pet suffers from hip dysplasia.
According to PetMD, hip dysplasia is the most common skeletal disease in dogs and one of the most widespread problems in larger dogs.
Hip Dysplasia occurs in male and female dogs, and while bigger breeds like Great Danes are commonly affected, it is regularly found in smaller dogs, too.
Ways to Tell if Your Dog Suffers From Hip Dysplasia
Signs of hip dysplasia can appear in dogs that are still young and growing. In fact, many dogs can show symptoms before they are five months old. Eventually hip dysplasia can cause osteoarthritis and other cartilage problems if their dysplasia problems go untreated.

- Slow to get up from lying down
- Reluctance to go for runs or walk up stairs
- Lethargic
- Narrow stance in the hind limbs (pigeon toed stance)
- Lies down with hind legs sprawled out
- Decreased range of motion
- Loss of muscle mass in hind legs
Usually, the cause of hip dysplasia is purely genetic. It's very hard to prevent a dog from getting a skeletal disorder, however it is easy to make them comfortable once it has been identified. Also, it's important for dogs to maintain a health weight to keep their joints limber if they have an issue with their muscles and joints.
Treating Hip Dysplasia
As we said before, there is no cure for hip dysplasia. However, there are many products on the pet market to help Fido with his ailment. In general, you want to make sure that your dog is comfortable, especially while they're resting. Orthopedic beds are quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to treat dogs with this disorder. Check out some popular options below:

- K&H Orthopedic Heated Bed: For years, engineers at K&H pet products have worked to perfect the orthopedic dog bed. This specially designed snoozer uses a heater to warm the temperature to a cozy 102-degress when your pet snuggles up. Plus, the thick and supportive foam contorts to dogs large and small. If you have an older dog, or one that suffers from dysplasia, consider this a toasty treat for your dog

- Cuddle Ball: Hip Dysplasia can affect small dogs as well as large ones, so it's important that you have a sleeping spot for your dime-sized doggie. The Cuddle Ball is quilted micro-fleece bed that is over-stuffed with supportive fabric. The Cuddle Ball is machine wash safe, too.

- Thermo Snuggly Sleeper: If your dog can no longer jump up on the bed, but still appreciates a cozy mattress, then the Snuggly Sleeper may be the next best thing. The six-watt heater warms to a pet's normal body temperature that can soothe its aches and pains all night. Plus, the bed comes with a one-month warranty that covers its dual thermostats.
According to the pet experts, dogs are more likely to sleep better in beds that have been designed to retain a their body heat. Hardwood floors and tiles can irritate even healthy dogs' joints and muscles. So, the next time you see your pooch struggling to get up stairs or stretching out its hind legs, be sure to think about the pain they might be dealing with. Hip Dysplasia is a serious ailment, but with the right steps and a comfy bed, you can add a great deal of comfort to your dog's day.
If you're looking for a Heated Dog Bed to purchase, be sure to ask the pet experts at by calling 800-957-5753. We are more than happy to answer any questions about any of the products that we carry in our catalogue.
By Sean Bowes